
Good Comes in All Colors, Shapes, Sizes and Backgrounds.

About Us

American Nomadic Knights recently started with 22 original members. The group was formed on FB as a place to assemble or get the word out. All original members were picked out as being recognized as Knight Worthiness and acknowledged as such. Many of the 22 wondered why the were picked to this day. A Knight is not perfect, many times far from it. What Knights do have, is a heart. A Knight instinctivley protects the weak. That is our tell. We always seek peace and harmony and scorn those who do not live by respect. We like to teach from our experiance both good and bad. We admonish Bully's, Bigots, and all who seek to divide what we stand for. We are the last person you want to piss off but the first person to let it go. We stand for imperfect Good. Always helping, improving, and protecting.

We are a Social Organization without any weird secret stuff.

In addition to our dedication to unity and promoting a United America, we also embrace the principles of chivalry and the importance of teaching life skills to future generations. As a non-profit organization, we prioritize fostering a sense of honor, respect, and integrity in all aspects of life. Through various educational programs, mentorship initiatives, and community outreach, we aim to instill valuable life skills in young individuals, empowering them to become responsible and compassionate citizens. By upholding virtuous values and emphasizing the importance of personal growth, we aspire to create a brighter future for all.
"A Knight is a title that represents unity and community. Our organization, American Nomadic Knights, is a fraternal order that welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds. We embrace outlaws, law enforcement personnel, cowboys, blue-collar workers, intellectuals, professionals, men, women, and everyone in between. We understand that we may have different perspectives on certain issues, but what unites us is the common desire to see a United America. Inspired by the values represented by the Statue of Liberty, we strive to promote inclusivity, understanding, and cooperation. Furthermore, we uphold our commitment to democratic principles and do not endorse socialism or communism."
We want:

  • Good People with Good Hearts.
  • Diversety is what propels us.
  • We constantly look to Network.

Any help we can get in making the world a better place is wanted. The launch of this site is the beginning of our networking. One voice sounds like a clap. Ten thousand voices sound like thunder.

Some of Our Goals

Below are areas we would like to contribute to, and programs we would like to bring to life. Everyone counts, and everyone can us for Admin Positions.

Real Life Boot Camp.

Real world skills such as Cooking, Budgeting, Fixing, Leading, Washing, emotional balance....Why do so many go to a military Boot Camp and come back changed 3 months later? All skills are needed for this project. Instructors will instruct in their field of expertise. Contact Us!

Bikers Against Child Abuse

BACA is a group that caught our attention. We really like the idea of going to court and stand by helpless people, especially kids. This is a project for the shall we say Alpha's. Some of us have personaly experianced the court system and having friends for support would have been nice. Wanna be a tough Guy? Do it Right.


I doesn't matter much if a million people voice their opinion if someone in charge doesn't hear you. We will activly seek high profile people.

So you might be thinking? Why should I join?

For everyone it's different.

  • 01 Give to something bigger than yourself.

    Not just by donating to some chairity once a year. We want to make a real difference in the world. One small act at a time.

  • To even be attracted to this site you must acknowledge that you want a nice world where respect, and a good heart is required to be a good human being. We are numb to the noise of people only looking to get ahead of the line. People have lost manners and racism is rearing it's head. We believe that "Evil Prevails where good people refuse to act." Screw everyone else get to the top, lie, cheat, steal.....thats not anything we admire. We see that as weak and very annoying. Here you don't have to wonder.

  • This was a random kindness video I found on the internet. If your not inspired by this kind of stuff you don't belong here because this is what it's all about. We don't have dues. If your a Knight and want to donate there will be a button sooner or later. What you really have to do is make the choice. Are you a Knight. Only you can decide that. Let us know if you would like to join our community.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No we are not an MC. We have some motorcycle enthusiasts here but we are not generally "Bikers". Too many people pretend to be bikers. Wannabe outlaws. We have no problem with 1%rs, The real ones. We also have no problem with police because as a group we are neither, and possibly both. Knights march to their own drummer.

  • No.....maybe a donate button later but its just as easy to do a random act of kindness all by yourself. Tell us about it.

  • Everyone does. Success breeds success. Frankly most of us are weird in our own way. It's OK. Do good or at least try....that's it. Oh ya voulanteer for something.

  • Understandable. E-mail me and you will count as an annonomous member with any future priveledges in tact.

Contact Us

You In? Send an e-mail or visit our FB Group and tell us a little something about yourself.


62, Koladyne Ave
Rochester, NY 14606